About Legion Elite

Where we started
for a better life.

Being homeschooled from the age of 10 through all of Highschool in order to play high level select Basketball my world revolved around self- discipline and team unity - I started college when I was 16 and quickly realized that there truly wasn’t a degree path that would get me in life where I actually wanted to be…




Finding Purpose

At my 4th year of building a residual income for myself, soaking in as much business, and growth mindset as possible, Clayton came onto the team… I was always taught: run as fast as you can to your goals, see who is running next to you then marry them lol So I did!

Like the two high performer winners we were and still are…we had different strengths and weaknesses but through a lot of relationship books, (a lot of clashing fights lol) we grew to truly learn how to fill in the gaps for one another so God could use us to help others attain their dreams and goals as well. That is the path we have chosen ever since.


Enter Hope…through a
chance encounter

With an old friend from high school… he was able to get connected with and earn mentorship from men that actually had vision, respect, and fruit on the tree in life. Applying every ounce of mindset he received, his income increased 5x that of that hopeless, lost 27 year old guy we talked about earlier. He met Shaylon along the way, ( having purpose and money make you pretty attractive lol) together they have continued pursuing their dreams of raising a big family, creating meaningful relationships, offering other people the same hope and continuing on the growth path of business and life.

We Believe

Helping people
achieve their highest potential with correct vision & approach

Consult With US

All you need is a purpose

Mentorship is essential

Mindset is everything

Contact us

Get in touch with us

Now you have a small glimpse into who we are! Feel free to message us and let’s see how we can collaborate together to move you towards your future goals and dreams